Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rain, rain, go away, come again another...month? year?

I love rainy days--usually, but I am getting really sick of this rainy season. It's been raining since April and I don't think it has completely dried out since. I am tired of mud, aborted walks, umbrella in the car during a downpour, having the car washed and clean for hours before it's dirty again.

On the other hand, we enjoyed the storm yesterday afternoon, complete with lightening and claps of thunder that started all the car alarms down the road honking. Our car was safe and dry under the building, and we were tucked inside with a great view from our bedroom window.

And this morning we awoke to the sun peeking through the clouds--until the downpour began. Aborted walk, dirty car, mud, umbrella in the car...

1 comment:

stace said...

I will take a little of your rain...especially after standing outside in the HOT sun for 10 hours today!