Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our Little Pixie--Ava

(Picture taken before Ava's first haircut from Aunt Staci)
M and I found this message on our voicemail yesterday...(we could hear Sally whispering in the background)

S: "Hi Nana"

A: (pause) "Hiiii Nana"

S: "Hi Grandpa"

A: "Hi Gwampa"

S: "This is Ava"

A: "I frowed up"

S: "This is Ava"

A: "I frowed up"

S: "This is Ava"

A: "I frowed up"

S: (one more try) "This is Ava"

A: "This is AFA"

S: "I love you"

A: "Wuv you" (smack, smack)


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1 comment:

Marlan said...

This pretty much sums up every conversation I have with Afa.